Monday, June 15, 2009

Getting A Hold on a Bussiness from a J.O.B

OK, I feel like this right now.
Bit overwhelmed at this point, But I'm getting the knack of it, this grabbing at thin air takes practice.
To begin with , I finish at the jumping off point with FEAR. Simple enough to understand that fear is what governs most peoples response to the unknown. Sadly it translates into every imaginable excuse known to man NOT to take unknown chances ( not unless someone else jumps first) I personally am responsible for at least 10,000 of them.
PROBLEM ,it keeps coming back up , round and round you go.
Getting dizzy? I am.
If you're continually doing the same thing each day and getting the same result and its NOT where you want to be. Step outside the box of marked COMFORT ZONE and look around. Moving forward is a good start.
FEAR is only there until you turn on a light switch then its gone! Poof , as if it was never there at all. Some one famous once said , " The only thing to be afraid from fear is fear itself" , or something like that. I has some hard core truth behind that simple yet profound piece of information .
Information, that's the "light switch" that I'm finding.
Went to figure out the basics today, not bad found some help for myself reading around a bit on and on found on their main page the in's and out's of creating different streams of income from what they have available.
The basics is learning the maze then going through it.
I'd like to try getting the blog and the other sites that I have to benefit in some way so that the information that this isn't that hard doesn't become so complicated ( the kids don't have this up on us , they've just had more PRACTICE ) . People, practice is what is the main key to succeeding . The ability to step out of the Comfort Zone and take a bit of a peak . You might find that what your looking for is actually not so far off. And PRACTICE making mistakes by fixing them and keep trying until you get the result you want.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Making Money ? How? No WAY!

Its well into the third week of my J.O.B.'s demise, Hated to see the 'ol girl go.. but whatcha gonna dou're gone, that's it no playback no 'sorry we made a mistake ,please come back".

Know what? I'm like you today, broke and working on broker ( is that even a word) funny how different people define broke. Lady down on Her luck was overheard to say in a conversation in local diner how that she was worried about the bills since her husband got layed off and that their income was depleting the savings that they had amassed. OK, ma'am , you're just inconvenienced , me I'm sitting here with the money I scrounged up in the couch at home drinking what very may be my last cup of coffee for a while.

And while I'm thinking that worse only happens to me here comes a gal that I've known for a few years,not close just acquaintances,and she's worse off than me .

Now I'm starting to see the picture I'm truly no worse off than I was when I had a job, only difference is that I was working so much before that I didn't have time to notice what I do have.

  • Rule number ONE : Look at all your assets, not the monetary kind ( face it at this point that's depressing) NO,look at what you have obviously knowledge and can always get more of that (it free) You have Ideas, that's a start . Now take the list of things that you can contribute , ie. creativity, maybe your good with your hands or raised good kids or just make a bang up batch of cookies .... List it and when your done pat yourself on the back . Not bad for someone who supposedly had nothing a minute ago.

OK now that you seem to have found the self esteem some thing a lot of us have preciouse little of hold on to it because it seems to be a jumping off point, a start. Now comes inpiration , thats only a click away check this guy out.. its free no money involved to look but learn listed to what is being said , get the strength to go on and be in good space for yourself by exposing youself to others who have made it through and take heart for yourself.

Rule 2 : Follow your passion, come on , dare you to dream a little, won't hurt and its healthy for you. Did you know that it scientificaly has been proven that laughter and feeling good about things ( like youself) has a positive affect on you overall health? So have fun get a bit outrageouse... What is your gift? what makes your heart race, takes your breath away? FEAR!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Well Hello You ,

Thank you for checking out my newest adventure, the online one that is.

My name is Rhoda and I am going to let you in on a big secret ....... I'm going to make this new Blog site the basics for this Adventure. Wanna know how to survive ? Curious on the ins and outs of living in today's insanity? Want answers for the Questions you may not even know you need to ask? Dilemmas , financial quandaries, wanna change, take a different route?

Me Too! Follow me and see where I wind up, Check on this site and the others that are with it as I try to find out what life after getting fired is like, How I learn to make a go of it relying on my own skills that after 30 years of working for someone else have been tossed to the wayside. I DO MATTER ! So does everyone else .

From this point on this will be the experiment of a lifetime , to see if and income can be made online, to help others to find the answers to the questions that I find the answers for . Although an income is not the only reason I chose this medium , there's a creative side to everyone a gift . The agenda for this Blogger is to help others find their strengths or weaknesses and maybe together we can become a bit more dependant on ourselves to do what it takes to accomplish what we set out to do instead of waiting for our bosses to do it for us.

On the first part of each week there will be a new post with the progress of " Life After Income" You can track how this works out and even maybe use this info yourself .

Today is the first day of the rest of your life, make the best of it, for it may be your last.